47 Years of Impactful Scholarship

Volume 44, Issue 2

Worker Driven Social Responsibility Agreements: A New Future in Labor Rights Protections

The emergence of complex, global supply chains has imperiled the rights of workers across the globe. Attempts to protect workers’ rights through traditional forms of private regulation, namely Corporate Social Responsibility codes (“CSRs”) and MultiStakeholder Initiatives (“MSIs”), have failed due to a lack of enforceability and a lack of worker involvement. However, a new model of private regulation, Worker Driven Social Responsibility (“WSR”) Agreements has succeeded where CSRs and MSIs have failed. WSR Agreements have emerged as a form of enforceable private regulation, created with worker involvement, which have concretely protected the rights of workers.

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Recommended Citation: Aaron Gladstone, Worker Driven Social Responsibility Agreements: A New Future in Labor Rights Protections, 44 Fordham Int'l L.J. 549 (2020).